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London Zoo is a place of interest for many visitors.It was opened in 1827 by the Zoological Society.The first enclosures were built to give an idea of the places the animals came from.African animals were kept in grass huts,for instance.Today there are more than 8000 animals in the Zoo.Some are very rare,so they are kept for the purpose of protected by zoo specialists from getting any harm.Many animals were born in London Zoo or in other zoos around the world.

    The elephants have the biggest appetite in the Zoo.An elephant's diet consists of hay,grass,linseed cakes,cabbages,carrots,potatoes,dates,salt,vitamins and minerals,washed down with 100 litres of water.

  You can take an animal into your family at London Zoo for a year.The cost depends on the animal you choose,and is based on the amount of food it eats in a year.Your name goes on a plaque near the animal's cage.

   Every day you can watch animals being fed,for instance snakes,lions and seal.Around London Zoo there are trays of exhibits you can touch,for example,you might be able to handle a crocodile skin or a snake skeleton.

  In summer you can have a ride on a pony,donkey,a camel,or a cart pulled by a South American llama.
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