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Usually,horse mains and tails are not trimmed,to make sure the horse`s owner enjoy good health.When a horse owner dies,people will trim the mane and the tail of his horse to make it look mournful.Therefore,the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and dealth.If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village.people would not try to force it back.The dog is devoted to its owner,and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.A pregnant woman cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood,and the happiness of the child she is having.If you have a vistor during your breakfast,he or she must have some of your food.There is a saying: "One cannot ignore the morning meal" and "If you don't have breakfast,the community will refuse you".Therefore, a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food."One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of food"."Food is men's support".Breakfast is the beginning of a day.Kazakhs believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humoured atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.

• Санаты: Мектеп

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