Sun, leaf, flower, autumn, grass, tree, forest, umbrella, night, dog,j acket, girl сөздеріне сөйлем құрау

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Sun, leaf, flower, autumn, grass, tree, forest, umbrella, night, dog,j acket, girl  сөздердін пайдаланып мәтін құрау қажет. Өтінем білсеңіздер құрап беріңіздерші.

1 жауап

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It was autumn. One girl was sitting in the bench with his dog in the park and watched all the action of nature. It felt like a forest. There were all these flowers, grass, tree.
Today the sun shines more than ever. leaves of the trees glitter like gold. but the rain fall continuously, so we need to take an umbrella and dress warmly, for example, should always wear a jacket!
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