Түркияда аудармашы мамандығын оқытатын топ 15 универ?

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Түркияда аудармашы мамандығын оқытатын топ 15 универлерді білсеңіздер жазасыздар ма?
• Санаты: Университет, колледж

1 жауап

0 дауыс

1. A program used for preparing documents and letters:

Microsoft Word

2. The element of Network system: modem

3. The smallest unit of information is: bit

4. Data Base Management System (DBMS) is: SQL

5. The system where several users can be connected to one database at

each moment of time: multi

6. The system where only one user can have available connection to a database at a time moment: Single User Database Systems

7. The special language which is used for Data Base Management System(DBMS): Structured Query Language (SQL)

8. The name or format of sound files: .wav

9. The name or format of image files: JPG

10. It controls the basic functions of a computer: The CPU

11. It lets you do specific jobs such as writing letters, doing calculations, drawing or playing games: System Software

12. Cloud technologies do not include: International standard

13. Self-copying programs that have the capacity to move from one computer to another without human help, by exploiting security flaws in computer networks: Worms

14. Malicious programs disguised to a innocent-looking files or embedded within: Trojan horses

15. Software created to damage or alter the computer data or its operations: Malware

16. The intersection point between a column and a row is a small rectangular box known as......... Cell

17. What is a combination of the column letter and the row number? address

18. Each row in Microsoft Excel is associated with....... a number

19. Each column in Microsoft Excel is labeled with: letter

20. What is the union of a column and row? cell

21. What is a computer application used to create and manage computer-based databases on desktop computers and/or on connected computers? MS-Access

22. What refers to Access Objects?

tables, queries, forms, reports (all answers all right)

23. How many sections the main area of the Microsoft Access interface is divided? three sections

24. In Access data is stored in. tables

25. We use ....... to retrieve specific data from your database and to

answer questions about your data queries

26. Which object of Access gives you the ability to choose the format and arrangement of fields? forms

27. Which object of Access organize or summarize your data so you


28. Which object of Access gives you the аbility to automate tasks? macros

29. Which object of Access gives you the ability to automate tasks and add functionality to a form, report, or control


30. You can use a....... to find the names of the employees in your

database who live in a particular state queries

31. IT industry is: the engine of the world economy

32. Who use technology to perform a variety of crimes: virus propagation, fraud, intellectual property theft, etc. crackers

33. Software designed to collect information from computers for commercial or criminal purposes


34. These term means that you can click on a word and jump to another screen with more information


35. What the Internet is? The Internet is an International computer Network made up of thousands of networks linked together.

36. What the World Wide Web is?

is a network of documents that works in a hypertext environment, i.e. using text that contains links, hyperlinks to other documents.

37. What the Email is? Exchanging electronic letters, messages, and small files.

38. What the Mailing lists is? it based

E-mail messages forwarded to everyone on a special interest list.

39. What the Video conference is? Files Transfer Protocol (FTP)

40. What the File Transfer Protocol(FTP) is? transwers protocol

41. A wireless standard used for PANS Bluetooth

42. The main trends of multimedia technologies development are: internet user interface

43. The adjective which describes networks without cables:


44. A smoke sensor is an example of a command..

45. The term domotics comes from domus and robotics

46. The adjective used to describe homes and devices that use IT technology: intelligent

47. The network node equipped for interfacing with another network

that uses different protocols: Gateway (шлюз)

48. The main printed circuit board found in general purpose microcomputers and other expandable systems: FTP server

49. Modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit


50. The network hardware device for connecting multiple Ethernet

devices together and making them act as a single network segment: hub

51. Server: gives

52. The coding system which consists of 16 digits and letters (0-9, A- F): Hexadecimal

53. The coding system which consists of 2 digits (0 and1): binary code

54. The Named set of structured data:


55. Association Rules is: the process a se

56. The cyber security component which does not refer to biometric data: letter number code

57. The extension of saving the web page: htm

58. The most common type of database: relational database

59. The main structural elements of a relational database: tables

60. A way to present data in the form of a table: tabulation

61. Standard query language that works with relational databases: Structured Query Language (SQL)

62. Classification of databases by architecture: Client-server

63. Types of database queries: simple

64. Device for combining information networks using various protocols: gateway

65. A computer that manages the network and allows network users to access their resources: Server

66. Advantages of a network with a ring topology: computer with equal

67. Basic network topology: tire

68. Unique 32-bit identifier of the internet IP interface: IP-Address

69. Modern computer information technology that allows you to combine text, sound, video and animation in a computer system: MULTIMEDIA SOFTWARE

70. Graphic file formats: .BMP

71. Multimedia presentation: slide

72. A service that provides the user with remote access to hardware or software: cloud computing

73. Web services that do not offer cloud computing: virtual spaces асэсорис

74. Company providing services in the cloud computing market: amazon

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