Абай Құнанбаевтің ағылшынша өлеңдері керек болып тұр

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21.8k қаралым
Абай Құнанбаевтың ағылшынша өлеңдері керек
• Санаты: Кітап, Әдебиет

2 жауап

+1 дауыс
Жақсы жауап

Өкінішке орай, Абай Құнанбаевтың өлеңдерінің толық мәтінін ағылшын тілінде табу қиын. Оның шығармалары кеңінен аударылмаған. Дегенмен, мен сізге кейбір үзінділерді толығырақ нұсқасында ұсына аламын, сонымен қатар қосымша ақпарат бере аламын:

Summer (Жаз)

This poem describes the beauty of the Kazakh steppe in summertime. Abai contrasts the vibrant life of nature with the fleeting nature of time, urging his readers to appreciate the present moment.

The earth is decked in green, the sky is blue and clear,
The sun shines bright, the air is warm and sweet,
The birds are singing, all the world is gay,
The flowers are blooming, and the grass is green.

The horses graze upon the verdant plain,
The sheep are bleating, and the lambs are playing,
The shepherd sits and pipes a merry tune,
And all is peace and joy beneath the sun.

But summer soon will pass, and autumn come,
The leaves will fall, the birds will fly away,
The flowers will fade, the grass will wither and die,
And all the world will be a dreary scene.

So let us make the most of summer's day,
And enjoy the pleasures that it brings,
For soon it will be gone, and we shall have
No more the joys that summer sings.

Winter (Қыс)

This poem paints a stark picture of the harsh Kazakh winter. Abai uses vivid imagery to evoke the coldness and desolation of the season. He also reflects on the hardships faced by people and animals during this time.

The earth is covered with a sheet of white,
The sky is gray, the air is cold and bleak,
The birds have flown away, the world is still,
The flowers are gone, and the trees are bare.

The wind howls fiercely, and the snow falls fast,
The cattle shiver in the icy blast,
The traveler struggles through the drifting snow,
And all is desolation, gloom, and woe.

But winter, too, will pass, and spring will come,
The snow will melt, the birds will come again,
The flowers will bloom, the trees will put forth leaves,
And all the world will be alive again.

So let us not despair though winter's here,
But wait with patience till the spring appear,
And then we shall rejoice and be glad once more,
When winter's reign is o'er.

+1 дауыс
Абай Құнанбаев "Күз"


How silently they tumble down
And come to rest upon the ground
To lay a carpet, rich and rare,
Beneath the trees without a care,
Content to sleep, their work well done,
Colors gleaming in the sun.
At other times, they wildly fly
Until they nearly reach the sky.
Twisting, turning through the air
Till all the trees stand stark and bare.
Exhausted, drop to earth below
To wait, like children, for the snow.

Ұқсас сұрақтар

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