Ағылшын тілінен төмендегі жаттығуды орындауға көмектессеңіздер.

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II. Fill in the missing words: Term (verb) Noun Adjective exist ....... ....... suggest ....... ....... reproduce ....... ....... develop ....... ....... inherit ....... ....... inhabit ....... ....... evolve ....... ....... select ….. …… IV. Match these words with their definitions: 1 generation A. an illness or unhealthy condition in your body 2 evolution B. the air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live 3 evidence C. a member of your family who lived a long time ago 4 reproduce D. the careful choice of a particular person or thing from among a group of similar people or things 5 species E. to continue to live or exist 6 survive F. to change into a larger, stronger, or more advanced state 7. ancestor G. to produce young animals from parents of different breeds or groups 8. develop H. all the members of a group of things which have been developed from a previous group 9. naturalist I. an animal’s baby or babies 10 environment J. the state of existing 11 selection K. the gradual change and development 12. disease L. to produce young animals or plants 13. interbreed M. someone who studies plants or animals, especially outdoors 14. offspring N. facts that make you believe that something exist or is true 15. existence O. a group of closely related organisms VII. Find synonyms among the pool of words: Pool of words Synonyms 1)1.develop/2.accept/3.change/4.alter/5.evolve/6.obtain 2)1.support /2.happen/3.exist/4.occur/5.underpin /6.live 3)1. investigation /2.selection /3.research /4. choice 4)1.escape/2.disease/3.individual/4.get away/5.illness/ 6.human being
• Санаты: Университет, колледж

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