My summer holidays - Жазғы демалысым ағылшынша шығарма жазу қажет?

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My summer holidays - Жазғы демалысым ағылшынша шығарма жазу қажет?
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2 жауап

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Жақсы жауап

Менің жазғы демалысым ағылшынша жазылған шығарма осы жерде бар. Бұл "Теңіздегі демалыс" деген атты шығарма. Осы шығармада Мысыр еліне барған қазақстандықтар жайлы баяндалады.

Ыстық елде демалғаны жайлы, теңізде болғаны жайлы. Қазақстандық туристер арасында Түркия, Мысыр, Дубай сияқты ыстық елдер танымал.

Holidays by the sea - Теңіздегі демалысым

Менің жазғы демалысым тақырыбына арналған "Теңіздегі демалысыс" шығармасы төрт параграфтан тұрады, әрқайсысының жеке аудармаларын келтіреміз.

My parents and I like travelling very much and we usually stay in hotels. We prefer staying in “All inclusive” hotels. These are hotels which are very popular among tourists in hot countries. Having a holiday by the sea is very important if you live in the north where there is not so much sunshine and warmth.


Менің ата-анам және мен саяхаттауды ұнатамыз, және біз әдетте отелде аялдаймыз. Біздің отбасы "бәрі қосылған" отелдерде тоқтаймыз. Бұндай отелдер ыстық елдерде болатын туристер арасында танымал. Теңізде демалудың маңызы зор, себебі солтүстікте жарық күнде онша көп емес.

People in Kazakhstan try to go on holiday every year if they have money. Having a beach holiday doesn’t mean that you have to spend all your time on the beach. Some people prefer active holiday so they go on excursions, take boat trips, visit different ruins and caves.


Қазақстандағы адамдар, жыл сайын демалады, ақшасы бар болса. Теңіз жағалауында демалу, барлық уақытын жағалауда өткізетінің білдірмейді. Кейбір адамдар экскурсияларға барады, қайықты жалға алады, көне заманның қалдықтарын қарайды немесе үңгірлерге барады.

I go to the seaside every year with my parents. We like going to hot countries in winter to avoid cold and darkness. The best hotel we stayed in was in Egypt. It was a very big, comfortable and cozy. There was a big swimming pool with waterslides. There were very nice restaurants in the hotel and we could eat as much as we want, the food was fantastic.


Мен теңіз жаққа жыл сайын ата-анамен барамын. Біз ыстық елдерге қыста барамыз, суық пен қараңғылықты көрмеу үшін. Ең керемет отель Мысыр елінде болған. Бұл отель кең және жайлы еді. Сол жерде үлкен бассейн болған. Және керемет рестарандар отельде бар, біз қанша қаласақ сонша тамақтандық, ас керемет болды.

After lunch there were various master classes for children. We also played volleyball on the beach and went swimming every day.


Ланчтан кейін біз балаларға арналған көптеген курстарға бардық. Сонымен қатары біз жағалауда волейбол ойнадық және күн сайын теңізде шомылдық.

0 дауыс

Holidays in the country.

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the country. Most of the time I walked, cycled, spent time with my friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings, I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I liked my summer holidays very much.


Holidays by the sea.

This year I spent most of the summer holidays in the city. At weekends, I went to the country with my family. In July, we went to the Black Sea. I liked the sea very much. I swam and sunbathed. I even saw dolphins. I had a lot of fun. I took many photos and made new friends.

Holidays in summer camp.

I spent this summer holidays in the summer camp «Star». The camp is not far from the Volga River. It was very interesting in the camp. We swam there, played soccer and other games, watched concerts, and went to the discos in the evenings. We also went on excursions and visited many interesting places – museums, art galleries, theatres. I made many new friends. I really enjoyed in the camp.


How I spent my summer vacation.

My summer vacations this year were interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events.

In June, together with classmates, we went to a camp. I liked the camp very much. We played sports games, competed in various sports, took part in various competitions. In the evenings, we went to the disco. I enjoyed discos as I like music and dancing. I made a lot of new friends and got to know my classmates better than at school.

When I returned home after the camp, together with my parents we went to the Crimea to have a rest by the sea. We stayed in a nice hotel in Feodosia. I really liked the stony beaches, blue sea, and numerous excursions. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive and I saw the life of the seabed. I also visited the water park, made trips on a motor ship, and rode horses. My rest by the sea was unforgettable.

In August, I went to the country to visit my grandparents. I have many friends in the village where my grandparents live and we spent time together. We went swimming and fishing.

My summer holidays fly surprisingly fast. Now the school year has just begun, but I'm already waiting for new vacations, new impressions and new friends.

My summer holiday  - short essay.

I like summer very much. This doesn’t mean that I don’t like spring, winter or autumn, but the fact that you do not need to get up early to go to school and you needn’t do your homework every day makes summer my favorite season.

During my summer holidays, I do everything I like most of all. I play football, spend time with my parents and friends.

Usually, I spend my summer holidays in the country. I like growing fruit and vegetables. My dad always tells me something interesting about plants and nature.

I like to walk in the summer forest with my friends or with my parents. We often go to the river. This year we went fishing with my dad. We got up early, took our fishing rods and went to the nearest lake. We caught a lot of fish. That was amazing.


Summer is the most wonderful time for me. I always look forward to summer holidays. Summer is the most beautiful time of the year. The three summer months give us a lot of new impressions.

Summer is the time when I can do everything I like. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, and travel. This summer I did a lot of sports — I played football in the school stadium almost every day.

During this summer holidays, I walked, bathed and sunbathed much. When it rained, I read books. One of them was Jack London's «White Fang». I really liked the book. It is about a wolf dog, very devoted and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. Many people today lack these qualities. I would like to have such a four-footed friend.

This summer I also went to the sea, visited my grandmother, and spent the rest of the time at home.

In July, I had a trip to the sea with my family. The weather was nice, so we swam and sunbathe. The water was warm and transparent. We also saw the sights of Anapa and took photos. We also went to the zoo, which left a lot of good impressions. At the entrance, we were offered to buy different treats for the zoo pets. I liked to feed birds and animals from my hands. It was funny to observe the monkeys, toucans, raccoons, and ostriches.

In August, I stayed with my grandmother. I liked it because my grandmother allows me absolutely everything. I read books, went rollerblading and cycling. The last summer days I spent preparing for the first of September.

Summer has ended, but I will never forget my summer holidays. My holidays were excellent.

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