Is there any advantage of Learning a foreign language? Ағылшыннан жауап жазу

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484 қаралым
1. Is there any advantage of Learning a foreign language? 2. Are there any advantages of being the youngest in the family? What are they? 3. Do you think there are many advantages of knowing English? 4. Have you ever been at a disadvantage? What did you feel? 5. Do you often sit up late? Why? 6. They say it is pretty dire when somebody bosses you around. What do you think about it? 7. Did you have much fun in summer? What did you do? 8. Do you like people with a sense of humour? 9. Whom do you confide your secrets? 10. Would you like to go mountain climbing? Why? 11. What are you going to do when you are through with your exams? 12. Would you like to share your books with a friend of yours?
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