Сөзді ағылшын тіліне аудару?

0 дауыс
1.4k қаралым
1.Откройте ваш тетради,пожалуйста.  2.Что вы читаете сейчас?  3.Что его студенты обычно читают? Какие газеты они читают?  4.Куда вы идете?  5.Куда вы ходите каждый день?  6.Сядьте за стол,пожалуйста,возьмите тетради и спишите текст номер пят.-Что вы сейчас делайте?  -мы списываем текст номер пять. 7.Читают ли ваши друзья английские книги?  -Да очень часто. 8.Не закрываете книгу,пожалуйста. 9.Они не прислают мне книг и газет. 10.Какой это фильм?-Это хороший фильм. 11.Я часто встречаю здесь этого рабочего. 12.Часто ли вы встречаете этих инженеров? -Нет,эти инженеры очень редко приходят сюда
Үй тапсырмасы Белгісіз

3 жауап

+1 дауыс
Жақсы жауап
1.Open your notebook, please. 2.What do you read now? 3.What his students usually read? What newspapers do they read? 4.Kuda you go? 5.Kuda you walk every day? 6.Syadte the table, please, take a notebook and write off text number pyat.-What do you do now? -we write off the text number five. 7.Chitayut whether your friends are English books? Yes very often. 8.Ne close the book, please. 9.Oni sent me books and newspapers. 10. What is a movie? -It Good movie. 11.I often meet here this working. 12.Chasto whether you meet these engineers? No, these engineers very rarely come here
0 дауыс
0 дауыс
1.Open your exercise book,please.2.What do you reading now?  3.What his students usually  are reading?What newspapers are they reading?4.Where are you going?5.Where are you going every day 6.Sit down at the table,please take your exercise book and write text number five.-What is you doing now?-We are writing text number five.7.Is your friends reading English books?-Yes very often.8/Don't close book,please.9They aren't send me .books and newspapers.10.What is kind of this film?-It's very interesting film.11.I often meet here  this worker .12.Do you often meet these engineers here?-No these engineers are very seldom comes here
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