Ағылшын тілінен өткен шаққа 20 сөйлем құрау керек.

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Ағылшыннан өткен шаққа 20 сөйлем және соны сұраулы сөйлем ретінде, болымсыз түрде құрастырып бересіздер ме?
• Санаты: Қазақ тілі
Қой таста 20 сөйлкм біразғо.
Баска сойлемдер тек сураулы емес откен шакка

2 жауап

+2 дауыс
1. I lived in London. I didn't live in London. Did you live in London? Where did you live? 2. We ate ice-cream. We did not eat ice-cream. Did we eat ice-cream? What did we eat? 3. Omar went to the theatre. Omar did not go to the theatre. Did Omar go to the theatre? Where did Omar go? 4. Jack wrote letter. Jack didn't write letter. Did Jack write letter? What did Jack write? 5. They learnt French. They didn't learn French. Did they learn French? What did they learn? 6. She spoke English. She did not speak English. Did she speak English? Who did speak English? 7. He bought new car. He didn't buy new car. Did he buy new car? What did he buy? 8. Laura cooked a dinner. Laura didn't cook a dinner. Did Laura cook a dinner? Who did cook a dinner? 9. Marat rode a bicycle. Marat did not ride a bicycle. Did Marat ride a bicycle? What did Marat ride? 10. I woke up at 7 o'clock. I did not wake up at 7 o'clock. Did you wake up at 7 o'clock. When did you wake up? 11. He read a magazine. He didn't read a magazine. Did he read a magazine? What did he read? 12. We traveled. We did not travel. Did we travel? Who did travel? 13. Lena cleaned her flat yesterday. Lena didn't clean her flat yesterday. Did Lera clean her flat yesterday? What did Lera clean? 14. We had a lunch. We did not have a lunch. Did they have a lunch? When did they have a lunch? 15. I met Peter at the cinema. I did not meet Peter at the cinema. Did you meet Peter at the cinema? Where did you meet Peter? 16. We watched a film. We didn't watch a film. Did they watch a film? What did they watch? 17. He ran at last morning. He didn't run at last morning. Did he run at last morning? Who did run at last morning? 18. She sent money. She did not send money. Did she send money? What did she send? 19. You slept. You did not sleep. Did you sleep? When did he sleep? 20. Adil swam at swimming-pool. Adil didn't swim at swimming-pool. Did Adil swim at swimming pool? Where did Adil swim?
Улкееен рахмеееет
0 дауыс

I sleeped nightangry

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