Ағылшын тілінде тіл туралы тақпақ керек?

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ағылшын тілінде тіл туралы тақпақ керек еді, Қазақ тілін мадақтайтын тақпақ болса, жіберіңіз

• Санаты: Қазақ тілі

4 жауап

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Жақсы жауап

English language is the best.
Learning it for me is quest.
But the language is so nice.
Learn it! That is my advice.

Today is a funny day.
It is no more gloom and grey.
Language day we celebrate
We will heartily congratulate.

English teacher, English day.
We will joy and speak all day.
ABC and "the" and "an",
Go and quickly find your pen.
Write some words and learn them all
Then we'll dance along the hall.

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The Alphabet Song (E. Gorey)
a is for amy who fell down the stairs
b is for basil assaulted by bears
c is for clara who wasted away
d is for desmond thrown out of a sleigh
e is for ernest who choked on a peach
f is for fanny sucked dry by a leech
g is for george smothered under a rug
h is for hector done in by a thug
i is for ida who drowned in a lake
j is for james who took lye by mistake
k is for kate who was struck by an axe
l is for leo who swallowed some tacks
m is for maud who was swept out to sea
n is for neville who died of ennui
o is for olive run through with an awl
p is for prue trampled flat in a brawl
q is for quentin who sank in a mire
r is for rhoda consumed by fire
s is for susan who perished of fits
t is for titus who flew into bits
u is for una who slipped down a drain
v is for victor squashed under a train
w is for winnie embedded in ice
x is for xerxes devoured by mice
y is for yorick whose head was knocked in
z is for zillah who drank too much gin

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Қыс туралы ағылшынша тақпақ

Snow on the ground.

Snow on the tree.

Snow on the house.

Snow on me!

Жаз туралы ағылшынша тақпақ

A summer day

Has rain or sun,

But either way

I find it fun.

To stand in rain

That/s pouring down

Or lie in sun

That paints me brown.

Отбасы жайлы тақпақ

Some families are large.

Some families are small.

But I love my family

Best of all!

Отан туралы ағылшынша тақпақ

I greatly love my Motherland,

It’s forests, people, lakes,

It’s cities, kind and friendly people,

It’s rivers, children, plains.

Жаңа жыл туралы ағылшынша тақпақтар

Бірінші тақпақ:

New Year’s Day, a happy day!

We are glad and want to play.

We all dance and sing and say:

“Welcome! Welcome! New Year’s Day!”

Екінші тақпақ:

A happy New Year for me,

A happy New Year for you,

A happy New Year for everyone!

That’s what I wish – I do!

Туған күн туралы тақпақ

Happy Birthday!

Today’s the day

We get to say

We’re happy you were born-


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