President of Әзірбайжан loves games Ильхам Алиев компьюsweat-cloth. Not and the state loves that Құрманбек created Бакиев hunt, heartfelt, boxing wishes from games of sport. Islamic Каримовтің, that became interested mainкетболға in youth, nowaday inclinedгі is tennis. Александр loves the soul Лукашенко, skis and хокsomeді. President of the USA Барак Kurganның ardours very much. Especially, from television sport translations or the different is liked teleto delight хикаяларды. River-lake Russia ті Dmitry fascination of Medvedev - smearinga pandemic fishes президен. To Medvedev and my to Kurgan and two place one the likeness Harry Поттер кинотуындысын love. President of Venezuela plays жаттап, baseball Уго on leisure of Chavez folklore songs. President of France to play footНиколя Саркози be or hour liked outside teagoes for a walk танарбамен. Listening Тәжікстан президенті Эмомали Рахмон on leisure music, inverts historical books. Puts meal, a president drank that Гүржістан Mikhail Саакашвили football talk, into place. Not and Ukraine