Ағылшынша өмірбаян нұсқаларын тауып беріңіздерші? [жабық]

+1 дауыс
22.9k қаралым
маған үй тапсырмасы ретінде ағылшын тілінен өмірбаян жазу керек) өмірбаяндардың үлгілерін жазып берсеңіздер
• Санаты: Мектеп

1 жауап

0 дауыс
08.05.2011, 16:50
My biography
1. My name is Mihail Kolombet. 2. I was born at Borovichi on May 16, 1990. 3. My grandparent, in honour of which I was named, was born in Kazakhstan and was an electrical engineer. 4. My dad works the driver in OAO «Agro Volok». 5. My mam is a workman of the building of the culture. 6. I have a brother, he senior me for three years and was born the February 26 1987. 7. I have got its average a formation in the first school of the city Borovichi in 2005. 8. In 2010 has protected the diploma in Borovichi car-road college on professions "Technical maintenance and repair of the cars". 9. I presently student of the first course at Novgorod State University on professions "Mechanization ". 10. Also I work at BKO, locksmith on repair of the cars. 11. Beside me much friends, and I think that they to me are located well. 12. I rage the car and computer. 13. At free time play in bowling and billiards. 14. Else I love to go on miscellaneous city on excursions. 15. Last went in Iverskiy priory. The End.

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