Ағылшын көмектесіңдер

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346 қаралым
2/ ** Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the text. He's a really good footballer and has won a lot of 1. Player of the Year 2 My sister and her friends spend all their time on maths problems. They are such 3 We're going to this morning and look at the little shops. 4 I help at an animal rescue centre. the old town so they don't pay me. It's a(n). 5 The pop star didn't want anyone to see him, so he went shopping in

Сіздің жауабыңыз

Спамға қарсы тексеру:
Үшке үшті қоссаң қанша болады?
Модерациядан өтпес үшін сайтқа кіріңіз немесе тіркеліңіз

Ұқсас сұрақтар

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