professional competencies for your future job

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professional competencies for your future job
Университет, колледж

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At the turn of the second and third millennium of our era, tendencies to mutual understanding, intercultural exchange, which have prepared the ground for the development of a single educational space with a reference to international standards, are particularly acutely felt. It should be noted that Russian education is on the way of bringing national educational programs in accordance with internationally accepted requirements.

One thing is obvious: education is an integral part of the life of society, it is not only responsible for the process of preparation for life in the community, but also determines the formation of personality, its ability to self-realization. Dynamism of public life, constant growth of requirements to the modern person, stimulates transition to the concept of lifelong education throughout life. In the context of this concept, professional self-development of the teacher's personality is the key to his professional survival, so professional development and improvement becomes today the main priority for each teacher.[1]

Modernization of Kazakhstan education is associated not so much with the introduction of innovative approaches to the content of education and educational technologies, but with the increase in the professional competence of the teacher. Thus, the change of priorities in the system of pedagogical values actualized the problem of improving the quality of professional training of teachers, raising the level of their professional competence.

There are various interpretations of the concept "professional competence of the teacher". The analysis of methodical literature has shown that professional competence of the teacher of a foreign language expresses readiness and ability of the teacher to carry out the professional activity, realizing purposes of training taking into account modern social Requirements. Professional competence of the teacher of foreign languages as a set of professional and pedagogical competencies assumes the presence of 5 main components:

1. Social and psychological competence
2. Communicative Competence
3. Pedagogical competence
4. Substantive competence
5. Professional self-Realization

In accordance with this, new and new requirements to the level of professional competence of a foreign language teacher, to his professional and personal qualities are put forward.
• Independently and critically think
• Openness ability to pedagogical innovation
• Ability to adapt their knowledge and skills to the conditions of variability of education (constantly changing conditions of social and professional environment.)
• Ability to solve new problems and take on professional responsibility
• Ability to professional reflection, research and creative activity.
• Ability to professional self-education and self-development.[2]
A modern teacher must realize the need for further self-improvement of his professional skills. It is possible to assume that here the problems of access to information of professional order and motivation of the teacher to self-perfection, readiness for continuous education are merged. Of course, not every teacher is able to be a researcher of all problems of modern education, but under the force of each teacher to seek and find in his profession optimal, more interesting, more successful, creative solutions.

There is a huge number of all kinds of resource centers, Internet resources that are useful for teachers. But the main problem is that in the conditions of excess information the professional selective value is important in the process of finding the information necessary for the work. An important point is also the ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in lessons, skills to use modern approaches, methods and pedagogical technologies in everyday work.[3]

Equally great is the role and associations of teachers of English for professional development, where you can share and exchange information with colleagues. It is well known that attestation is a stimulating function for perfection of the professional skill. It gives impetus to further development of professional activity induces to raise demands to itself. The teacher, interested in the professional growth, passes attestation with the purpose of revealing the level of the professional competence and marking of directions for the further perfection.

In the process of modernization competence approach is considered as a paradigm defining modern educational standards and presenting requirements, which may well correspond not just "good specialist", but "good employee" (O. E .  Lebedev).  From this point of view it is envisaged not only the possession of professional, but also personal competencies.[4]

V.  Slastenin believes that the concept of professional competence of the teacher expresses the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activity and characterizes his professionalism [5].  He notes that the content of training of a teacher of this or that speciality is presented in the qualification characteristic-normative model of competence of the teacher, displaying scientifically substantiated composition of professional knowledge, skills and skill in [6].  "The qualification characteristic is essentially a set of generalized requirements to the teacher at the level of his theoretical and practical experience" [7].  In accordance with the traditional approach, professional competencies are knowledge, skills and abilities.  In this case, the Methodist defines psychological and pedagogical and special knowledge as a prerequisite for intellectual and practical skills.  The model of professional competence is presented to them as unity of theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher.  It combines pedagogical skills into four groups:

1. Ability to formulate specific pedagogical tasks in accordance with a certain group of students, taking into account their readiness to master new knowledge.
2. Ability to plan and design own activity, to choose forms, methods and means of organization of educational process.
3. Ability to create necessary conditions (material, moral-psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.);  To activate the pupil's personality, to develop his activity, which turns him from the object to the subject of upbringing;  To organize and develop joint activities.

In the "Proposals for certification of foreign Language Teachers", compiled by E.N.  Solovova with the participation of V.V.  Safonova, K.S.  Mahmurjan, it is proposed to assess the professional competence of a foreign language teacher on the basis of the following basic parameters:
 • Communicative competence
Professional competence
• Cultural competence [8].
4. Ability to evaluate the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of educational process and results of the teacher's activity;  Definition of a new set of dominant and subordinate pedagogical problems.

As a rule, general cultural competence is understood by the broad humanitarian training of the teacher, his outlook, the general level of culture and education.  Under communicative competence understand ability and readiness to carry out interforeign interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers.  "Communicative competence is not a personal characteristic of a person;  Its formation is manifested in the process of communication "[9] The degree of communicative competence is determined by the level of skills and skills in the main types of speech activity.
Psihologopedagogicheskaja competence is connected with the master's knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, as well as the ability to apply this knowledge in his pedagogical practice.
The analysis of scientific researches allows to deduce, that in modern pedagogical science the approach, on the expression e.yu Gukemuhova, is a problem [10]. At the present stage, researchers are proposing different options for understanding the competence approach: "The Competence approach is manifested as a renewal of the content of education in response to a changing socio-economic reality" (I.D. Frumin); "The Competence approach is realized as a generalized condition of a person's ability to operate effectively beyond the limits of educational subjects and educational situations (V.A. Swamps) "[11].

It is assumed that the existence of many points of view on the question of the competency approach is connected with the fact that so far in pedagogical science there is no single interpretation of the terms "competence" and "competence". Some authors use the term "competence", implying under it what others designate as "competence". This situation makes it difficult to select criteria for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of teacher's professional and pedagogical competence. By definition of the theorist of the competence approach A.V. Farm, competence It is a readiness of the person to mobilize knowledge, skills and external resources for effective activity in a concrete life situation. Competence is a collection of personal qualities (value orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities), it is the ability to work in a certain personal and significant sphere [12].

Thus, the competence of a foreign language teacher can be defined as a set of professional and personal qualities (competencies) of the teacher, determining the effectiveness of his pedagogical activity.


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