Сіз спортты ұнатасыз ба?

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953 қаралым
Ағылшын тілінде мына сұрақтарға жауап беріп кетіңіз.

Ask four or five of the following questions.

Do you like sport?
Do you play any sports?
Did you have to play any sports when you were at school?
What kind of sports do you watch on TV?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
What are the most important sporting events in your country?
Have you attended a sporting event recently? Can you describe it to me?
Is doing sport regularly the best way to stay healthy, in your opinion?
Have you ever run a marathon?
Would you like to run a marathon?
Университет, колледж

2 жауап

0 дауыс
Спортты Ұнатпаймын, шұғылдануға ерінемін, бірақ Головкин сияқты спортшыларды бір удармен құлатқым кеп жүр.Бәрі солай армандайды.
Негізі ағылшынша жауап беріңіз деп тұрған сияқты))
0 дауыс
1.Yes i do 4. I don't like watching TV 5.I think these types of sports are most popular- box, kokpar, kures, hokkey , swimming, weightlifting and also figure skating 6. No it's long ago I attended such events 7.Everyone thinks so, so i too keep this opinion 10. Never 11. No. But I would like to watch marathon
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