Ағылшын тілінен сіздердің көмектеріңіз керек болып тұр?

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Міне төменде тұрған тапсырманы қалай жазамын?Түсінбея қойдым!Көмектесіңіздерші.

3. Put the verb into the correct tense: the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
Example: 《Be quiet! I'm watching (watch) this film》.
a) We usually _______ (take) the bus to town; but today we ______ (go) bu car.
b) 《 Where _______ you _______ (work) so late?》
《Because I ________ (have) a lot of homework》.
d) 《What  _______ you usually _______ (have) for breakfast?》
《Toast. But today I _______ (have) some fruit because there isn't any bread》.
e) 《The telephone ________ (ring). Can you answer it?》
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