Ағылшын пәні. Көп нүктенің орнына тиісті сөзді қою қажет? 2 класс

0 дауыс
850 қаралым
party, party, ______ party.
I have a ______ today.
this is my costume
this is my ________.
these are my  ________.
we are ________.
let's celebrate
we have a  ________ today!
that is her  ________.
that is her  ________.
those are our  ________.
we are  ________.
let's celebrate
party, ________ birthday party!
how old are  ________,   ademy?
party, party, birthday  ________.
today i am  ________. hurray!
Қазақ тілі

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