Ағылшын пәні. Көп нүктенің орнына тиісті сөзді қою қажет?

0 дауыс
745 қаралым
a) There are many ______ between my two brothers. They aren't similar at all.

b) Your diet may cause ______ problems for you.

c) Drivers must be _______, especially in rush hours.

d) You've to take _______ for yourself.

e) He can't make any ______ . I decide where to go, what to buy.

f) Who is the _______ of this shop?

g) Smoking is _______ for your health.
• Санаты: Қазақ тілі

1 жауап

0 дауыс
A) difference



D) remedy(ili mozhno drugs)



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