Шоқан Уәлиханов пен Ыбырай Алтынсаринның ағылшынша жазылған өмірбаянын қайдан алсам болады?

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Кітап, Әдебиет

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Жақсы жауап
Чока́н (Шока́н) Chingisovich Valihanov (каз. Shoan Shy ңғ ысұлы Уәлихан, a real name — Muhammed-Hanafija; November 1835, a horde-wintering of Kuntimes, Aman-Karagajsky district, Area of the Siberian Kirghiz, the Russian empire — on April, 10th 1865, natural boundary Kochen-Togan, Semireche) — the great Kazakh scientist, and also the historian, the ethnographer, the specialist in folklore, the traveler and the educator, the general-staff officer of the Russian army, the scout [1], [2]. Chokan Valihanov — чингизид, great-grandson Abylaj of the khan. [3 [4].
Researches of Valihanova were printed in works of Russian Geographical society, also left in Berlin (1862), in London (1865) and have entered into 6th and 7th volumes (1878-1879) of 19-volume French General geography (фр. «La Nouvelle géographie universelle») Elize Reklju. Collected works in C.Valihanova's five volumes left in Almaty in 1961-1972 and repeatedly in 1984-1985

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