1.Thousands of teenagers are overweight says Heakth farm manager Mr White Many teenagers often do not know how to eat well and stay healthy like Karen.
2.Karen was 13 years old.She weighed 80 kilos and was 1.55 cm tall.Karen usually had a large bowl of cereal for breakfast.At school she always had fried chicken and chips every lunch time.In the evening Karen usually had more fried food and she often ate a packet of biscuits or a box of chocolates in front of the television.Karen never ate any fruit and she rarely had fresh vegetables.Her main exercise was changing the TV channel or opening the fridge door.
3.Health Farm helped Karen with her diet and exercise plan.She now eats lots of fresh fruirt and vegetables and goes swimming regularly.She never did any sport before because she was always so worried about her size.She now weighs 60 kilos and is still losing weight.
4.Mr White says Teenagers often come to the Farm depressed and with very little confidence.When they leave us they are usually happier and much more confident about themselves.