Шет тілі мамандары мына тестті шешіп бере аласыздар ма ертеңге дейін??

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748 қаралым
I. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1.This time next week I (swim) in the Black Sea.

2.She said she (work) in the garden at 3 o'clock next Monday.

3.She told me his name after he (left).

4.I saw Ann yesterday she (wear) a walkman.

5.He asked me where I (stay) when I came to London next time.

II.Use to appropriate article where necessary

a) An; b) a; c) the; d) no.

6.Ann is_____interesting pessonality.

7.I have_____cold.

8.She has_____flu.

9.She is fond of________Tchaikovsky's music.

10.Doctors say that walkman is especially dangerous.
• Санаты: Кітап, Әдебиет

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