Көмек керек ағылшыннан толығырақ сұрақ ішінде

–1 дауыс
708 қаралым
1. According to the version of international boxing federation (IBF) Vasily Zhirov from Kazakhstan is the best and strongest.......... in the world. 2. Leonid Spiridonov was the 4-th in ......... at the olympic games in Athens-2004. 3. Aliya Yusupova, a 20-year girl from chymkent was the 4-th in athens and has very good chances to get the main prize in.......... in the olympics. 4. At the gymnastic tournament in Athens Yernar Yerimbetov's olympic debut wasn't quite successful but in the final championship of 2004 cup tournament in Birmingham (England) he proved to be one of the strongest.........in the world. 5. Seric Eleuov a boxer from Karaganda, became the bronze medal........of olympic Games-2004. 6. Olga Shishigina is an olympic champion in........ 100 metres. Her result was amazing! 7. The 7-th Winter Asian Games   (the Asiad) were held in 2011 two main cities of Kazakhstan..........Astana and Almaty for 7days ( january 30 - february 6, 201 ) 8. The winter Asian games were really a great unforgettable................event. Мына сөздердің қайсысын; boxer, athlete, a weight-lifter, gymnasts, winner, champions, wrestling, running, tennis, multi-sport. Көп нүктенін орнына  коюуға болад жазып жіберіңдерш қиын болмаса, ертең  таңертеңге дейін керек болып тұр
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