Менін почтама біреу былай жыберып түр! Ол незет????

+1 дауыс
321 қаралым
Менін почтама біреу былай жыберып түр! Ол незет????

I'm Robert Henderson.

Thanks for being a loyal email subscriber..

I know you've been looking for a way to
build your own internet business and I'd
like to help.

As you already know, over 95% of the
opportunities on the internet are scams.

I spend my days reviewing every
product that pops up on the internet
to determine what is real and what isn't.

I invest my own money and time to find
out the truth about these programs...

I'm not emailing you to sell you anything.

I have nothing to sell.

I'm here to help you.

I don't want you to get scammed
ever again.

I've spent over $19,000 and 10 years
trying to figure out how to start a
successful online business.

And now I want you to be able to learn
from all the struggles I've been through.

I want to help you find a  good opportunity
that has personally helped me.

Take a look at a recent review I've just
finished for you.

I guarantee you'll be shocked.

==> http://bit.ly/bannersbrokersuccessnow

I'm here to help.

Жалпы сұрақ

2 жауап

+3 дауыс
Жақсы жауап
әәә ол келе береді.Маған да келген.Бір Бабушкадан маған 100 000 доллор қалыпты.Соны ал деп.Өтірік...
mm rahmet))))))))))))
+2 дауыс
Ақша табудың жолы туралы ма бірдене;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
127,692 сұрақ
322,280 жауап
153,250 пікір
72,713 қолданушы